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Your Perfect Office Space – 50% Off Your First 3 Months! Learn More
The world of work has changed in recent years, it can’t be denied.
According to a recent survey conducted by The Conference Board, the tides have shifted post-pandemic and most business leaders have given up the drum beat to bring employees back into the office on a full-time basis.
Instead, many companies are shifting their focus on how to better embrace hybrid work arrangements and the benefits this approach offers.
Case in point: the survey mentioned above found that just 4% of U.S. C.E.O.s say they are prioritizing bringing their workers back to a physical office space on a full-time basis.
Many business leaders have refocused their efforts to other areas, such as attracting and retaining top talent in their respective fields. It’s worth noting that you don’t have to lead a large company or even a large team to harness the power of hybrid work.
Companies of various sizes across multiple industries are recognizing that a key element of attracting and retaining talented workers for the long-term is offering them greater flexibility in how and where they work.
The reality is that most workers already have hybrid work arrangements in place and if you want to keep them in your company or attract prospective employees, you’d be wise to do that same.
According to a report from the McKinsey Global Institute, workers are on average traveling to an office space just three and half days each week. The survey found that more than half of all U.S. workers have some sort of hybrid work arrangement in place — and approximately 10% or more would quit their jobs if they had to work in an office every day.
In terms of what American workers prefer, 65% of employees state that their ideal work choice is the hybrid workplace model.
Hybrid work arrangements help employees manage their responsibilities outside of work life, including caring for small children or aging parents and other relatives.
Other workers value hybrid work over fully remote work arrangements because it provides the social interaction that they crave while still providing the opportunity to work from home part-time.
Read on to discover what hybrid work has to offer you and your business.
Recent research conducted by Owl Labs found that 83% of workers reported feeling as productive or even more productive working remotely or on a hybrid basis when compared with working in the office full-time.
One of the reasons why there appears to be a correlation between increased productivity and hybrid work arrangements is the decrease in commuting times for team members. Commuting to a physical office space can be time-consuming and stressful.
When team members aren’t required to commute to a physical office space five days per week, this saved time can be channeled into more productive tasks, which may lead to an increase in work output. Lower levels of stress (from fewer days commuting to and from a physical office) also are correlated with higher productivity levels.
Another compelling productivity stat: one study found that 63% of high-revenue-growth companies have allowed their employees to choose whether to work in a physical office space, remotely, or on a hybrid basis.
Conversely, 69% of negative-to-no-growth companies maintained an all-or-nothing work approach that required workers to choose either fully remote or fully in-person options — while not offering a hybrid option.
Another reason to embrace hybrid work arrangements with your team is the opportunity to boost employee well-being and work/life balance. According to a survey conducted by Cisco, 79 percent of workers feel that working away from an office improved their work/life balance.
As mentioned briefly above, hybrid work arrangements decrease or eliminate commuting times, which in turn can reduce stress for workers. Employee stress not only thwarts productivity but also adversely impacts workers’ health.
Many workers report improvements in both their mental and physical health when they have the option of a hybrid work schedule. A new report from Ergotron highlights the impact of hybrid work on employee health.
The report found that the number two reason employees prefer hybrid work is because it leads to better well-being overall. Three quarters of respondents stated that they move more frequently and have a more active style with hybrid work arrangements.
The same survey found that 88% of employees report that hybrid work has increased their job satisfaction and 56% report improvements in their mental health thanks to hybrid work environments.
Hybrid work arrangements also offer team members greater flexibility in caring for children and aged parents, which can reduce stress levels, as well.
It’s important to recognize the cascading effect that hybrid work and its resulting increase in work/life balance often has on employee retention.
According to data released by the U.S. Department of Labor, hybrid work schedules reduce employee attrition rates by as much as 33%.
Another benefit of hybrid work arrangements, especially when compared with fully remote work, is that hybrid work often fosters greater collaboration among team members.
One of the drawbacks of a fully remote team is that it’s often much harder to collaborate and complete group work when your team is fully remote.
Employees themselves are aware that collaboration with colleagues is one of the primary reasons to work at least part-time in an office. In its 2023 report on hybrid work, the McKinsey Global Institute found that employees’ top reason for working in a physical office space is to work with fellow team members.
Coworking centers such as those offered by Carr Workplaces provide a plethora of workspace options to support hybrid work arrangements.
When you or one of your team members require a physical space in which to work but don’t need a private office, consider leasing a Dedicated Desk in a shared space. Dedicated Desks can provide the social interaction and camaraderie that many hybrid team members likely are seeking in contrast to working solo on a remote basis.
Fully-equipped, fully-furnished meeting and conference rooms also are available at Carr Workplaces nationwide network of coworking centers. These meeting rooms are the perfect solution when you need to bring your hybrid team together to work in-person on a project, for group meetings, or for client meetings.
When your team members work on a hybrid basis splitting their time between working remotely and in a physical office space, they experience the best of both worlds.
Team members can complete work that requires quiet and few interruptions remotely, while dedicating their time in the office to working on group projects and connecting with colleagues and managers.
To learn more about how Carr Workplaces can support your hybrid team, schedule a free tour of a location near you or call us at (866) 983-5836.
Find out “How To Create A Strong Company Culture In A Remote Or Hybrid Work Environment.”